
American Military University Interaction Models Paper

American Military University Interaction Models Paper



Assignment 4 — Interaction Models


The purpose of this assignment is to continue our ITOT Case Study modeling by creating an SSD (System Sequence Diagram) and a Detailed Sequence Diagram.

You will add an SSD (System Sequence Diagram) and a Detailed Sequence Diagram based on your detailed use case for Manage Shopping Cart. You will also need to refer to your class diagram and activity diagram or detailed use case steps. This will complete the Analysis Specification for the IT Online Training Case Study. See the list of Resources at the end of this assignment for details on the two types of sequence diagrams and activity diagram.


1. Review the resources listed in the Quick Resources below on Sequence and Activity diagrams.

2. Create a UML compliant SSD (System Sequence Diagram) based on your detailed use case, “Manage Shopping Cart”. The SSD shows only two objects–the Actor and the System and the messages between them.

2.1 Use your CASE tool to create the UML compliant SSD and add it to Section 6.1 of your Analysis Specification from Week 3. Also add a discussion of your SSD.

3. Create a UML compliant Detailed Sequence Diagram based on your detailed use case, “Manage Shopping Cart”. The Detailed Sequence Diagram shows Actors and all Objects involved in the detailed use case. Remember that Objects are instances of Classes.

3.1 Use your CASE tool to create the Detailed Sequence Diagram based on your detailed use case and add it to Section 6.2 of your Analysis Specification from Week 3. Add a discussion of your Detailed Sequence Diagram. Remember that the Detailed Sequence Diagram adds the actual objects required to the sequence diagram instead of just :System.

4. Complete Section 6 of your Analysis Specification and make any corrections you need to other models.