
Answer the following Questions.

Answer the following Questions.


Explain (a) what the SITUATION was and (b) what the ETHICAL CONCERNS were for ONE of the following experiments: Stanley Milgram Experiment; Tuskegee Syphilis Study; “Zimbardo” Stanford Prison Experiment.

  1. You work at an organization that provides counseling for survivors of domestic abuse. Your organization is interested in evaluating the effects of this counseling service on your clients.  Please give two reasons why your organization may NOT want to pursue an RCT.  In other words, what are two things you should consider (to be sure they won’t cause problems for your organization) before you proceed with an RCT design?

Section B.  Please answer 4 of the following 5 questions – i.e. you may skip one!

3. Propose two different studies to research contraception use among CU Boulder students using any two of the following designs: (a) a cross-sectional design, (b) a panel design, (c) a trend (sometimes referred to as a repeated cross-sectional) design. Describe each of your two study designs in about 3 sentences each, making sure your answer shows a clear understanding of that design’s characteristics.

4. Define internal and external validity. Which of these types of validity is most strongly related to (a) sampling decisions and (b) the reliability and validity of your measurements?  Be sure you explain your answers to parts (a) and (b).

5. Define quasi-experimental research designs (QED’s). In doing so, be sure to articulate what makes them different from an experimental design (i.e. an RCT study) and what makes them different from a non-experimental design. You may draw a diagram (e.g. O—X—O) if it helps explain your answer.

6. Define baseline equivalence. Then, explain why an RCT study (a) technically shouldn’t need to assess baseline equivalence, but (b) probably should check for baseline equivalence anyway.

7. Define probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Now, imagine a study examining unemployment among any population you’d like to study, using one of the forms of sampling we described in class. Describe the method of sampling you’ll employ in the study, and indicate (a) which type of sampling you’re using (i.e. be sure you name it), (b) whether this is a form of probability or non-probability sampling, and (c) why this type of sampling is appropriate given the population your study addresses.  Be sure to use the term “sampling frame” in part (c).