
ENV 475 Western Kentucky University Water Treatment Discussion

ENV 475 Western Kentucky University Water Treatment Discussion


Answer the following questions:

1. Using your field notes calculate the flow of Jennings Creek using the methods provided for you. Please show your work. (10 pts)

2. You are the operator of a water treatment plant on Jennings Creek and an oil spill has occurred 20 meters upstream from your location. Using the flow rate you calculated and assuming the same average depth and width of the creek for the 20 meter span, how many hours will it take for the oil spill to reach your intake system? (5 pts)

***Be sure to remember your physics where the rate = distance / time and that 1 cubic meters is equal to 35.31 cubic feet***

3. Explain why it is important to measure the flow of a waterbody. (3 pts)

4. Is the flow rate the same across the entire stream? Explain why or why not. (2 pts)

5. Using your knowledge of water quality. What do you think of the condition of Jennings Creek from your observations? (5 pts)