
health and sport science

health and sport science



A. Overview:
1. Overview of current recommendations for nutrition.
2. Explain the relevance of these recommendations to health.  
B. Assessment:
1. Report the results of your 24-hour nutritional diary.
2. Analyze your current nutritional habits using these results.
C. Nutritional Plan: 

1. Apply A and B to your circumstances and goals.  Describe your personal nutritional
goals and discuss your plan to achieve these goals.  
Helpful app: My Fitness Pal.  Good for dietary assessment. It is very user friendly, free,
and gives a good breakdown of calories, macronutrients, and a few micronutrients. It
is compatible with nearly all cellular devices and can be accessed with a computer.
Helpful links are also available online – use credible sites, e.g., governmental sites,
sites from recognized medical associations, etc. Also, see the text for suggestions.


You will prepare four IHPs throughout the term that will be submitted in a single

document towards the end of the class.  The four parts of the IHP include
Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Management, and Stress Management.
This assignment requires to apply assigned content to your personal circumstances.
IHPs must strictly adhere to required content and format.
Required Content for IHPs:
1. Critically apply content to your circumstances. IHPs should demonstrate an
understanding of assigned readings as well as the ability to apply this information to
your needs, interests, and goals.
2. Analysis of facts is essential. A good to excellent paper requires analysis of factual
assertions.  Offer an explanation when you make a factual assertion. Avoid merely
offering conclusionary statements. For example, if you assert that C-R fitness is
essential to health, then explain why. Do not merely describe or assert a fact or
conclusion without an explanation or analysis.
3. Your writing must be your own words . . .be careful not to “cut and paste” from other
sources.  Give citations for quotes that you use.