
NDSU Uno Arduino Setup Worksheet

NDSU Uno Arduino Setup Worksheet


Design a control system to help you while parking in your garage. You will mount an ultrasound

sensor on the back garage wall, along with 3 LEDs (assume they are large enough and bright
enough that you can see them while parking. You want your garage door sensor to tell you
when you are far enough away to go “full speed”, close enough that you should slow down and
get closer to the back wall cautiously, and then stop. To test our controller, we will set up our
controller so:

• Green LED ON when car is greater than 20cm away from the sensor

• Yellow LED ON when car is between 20cm and 10cm from the sensor

• Red LED ON when car is between 8 and 10cm from the sensors

• Red LED blinking at a rate of 100ms on, 100ms off when the car is less than 8cm from
the sensor

Test your controller by using a ruler and a solid object. Move your solid object from a
distance of greater than 20cm and slowly getting closer to the sensor. Make sure the video shows
how/when you transition from each LED.

please make the set up and code similar to the ones I provided, and please sent a simulation image of set up as well. thanks