
Outline Needed

Outline Needed


You’ll need to make some decisions about an ideal political system based on what we’ve already studied and some independent researchI. What is the foundational ideology?

  A. Why?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

  B. What is an advantage of this ideology?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

  C. What is a disadvantage of it?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

II. What is the form of government?

  A. Why?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

  B. What is an advantage of this system?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

  C. What is a disadvantage of it?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

III. Political participation

   A. Party system?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

   B. Civil rights?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation 

   C. Interest group influence?

       1. Specific documented example with citation

       2. Specific documented example with citation

Your completed outline will be more detailed, but consider these three main pillars of the presentation to get started on your research. Don’t overthink it either