Recent Questions

Management Question

DescriptionFocus on general finance questions based upon readings from Chapters 1 and 6 of your textbook.In this assessment, you will explore various aspects of the business environment, including...

Leadership Writing

DescriptionDescribe a challenge you faced as a leader or one you faced as a  subordinate (follower).  This should be a 2-3 page paper, font 12, Times  New Roman.  Provide...

MGT323 Discussion 4

Question DescriptionI’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. You are in charge of organizing a dinner-dance concert for a local...

Organization Behavior Questions

DescriptionWatch and analyze the Dan Pink RS Animate video, discuss the motivational theory that you believe best explains and predicts individual employee motivation. Be sure to assess the...

Case study / Business ethics

Description Read the case given and answer the questions:An Ethical Dilemma*As Lavonda sat in the Ethics Office of the vice president of Emma-Action Pharmaceuticals (EAP), she was worried. Because...